The Suzuki Beloved Baleno GL The Suzuki Beloved Baleno GL is the ultimate choice for families seeking an affordable, reliable, and stylish vehicle. This compact car effortlessly combines comfort, practicality, and value, making it the perfect fit for everyday family life. One of the standout features of the Suzuki Baleno GL is its spacious interior, […]
Classy Hatchback Suzuki Baleno
The Suzuki Baleno is a classy hatchback with plenty of room and a brand-new platform. Learn more about the 8 aspects of this new model that we at CMH Suzuki Ballito find most appealing. Styling The Baleno’s liquid flow design, motivated by the ripples and motion of sound waves, creates a creates a beautifully sleek […]
Introducing CMH Suzuki Ballito
Introducing CMH Suzuki Ballito CMH Suzuki Ballito is proud and excited to announce that our satellite dealership has been performing excellent since we opened our doors in June 2018. The North Coast is now enjoying the very best experience of customer service from our Suzuki Ballito team! Finding us on 06 Moffat Drive; Ballito; Dolphin […]